Collyer's Prospectus

VOCATIONAL Subject Name Qualification Page Applied Science BTEC National 33 Art and Design BTEC National 33 Business BTEC National 33 Creative Digital Media Production BTEC National 34 Criminology Advanced Diploma 34 Engineering BTEC National 34 Health and Social Care BTEC National 34 Information Technology BTEC National 35 Music Practitioners Extended Diploma 35 Sport BTEC National 35 Travel and Tourism BTEC National 35 TECHNICAL Subject Name Qualification Page Digital Production, Design and Development T Level 36 Education and Childcare T Level 36 FOUNDATION Subject Name Qualification Page Art and Design BTEC First 37 Business BTEC First 37 Child Development and Care Technical Award 37 English GCSE 37 Health and Social Care BTEC First 38 Information Technology BTEC First 38 Mathematics GCSE 38 Sport BTEC First 38 Travel and Tourism BTEC First 38 Course Index ACADEMIC Subject Name Qualification Page Accounting A Level 26 Biology A Level 26 Business A Level 26 Chemistry A Level 26 Computer Science A Level 27 Contemporary Fine Art A Level 27 Dance A Level 27 3D Product Design A Level 27 Drama and Theatre A Level 27 Economics A Level 28 Electronics A Level 28 English Language and Literature A Level 28 English Literature A Level 28 Environmental Science A Level 28 Film Studies A Level 28 French A Level 28 Geography A Level 29 Geology A Level 29 German A Level 29 Graphic Communication A Level 29 History A Level 29 Law A Level 30 Mathematics A Level 30 Mathematics (Further) A Level 30 Media Studies A Level 30 Music A Level 30 Philosophy A Level 31 Photography A Level 31 Physical Education A Level 31 Physics A Level 31 Politics A Level 31 Psychology A Level 32 Sociology A Level 32 Spanish A Level 32 Textile Design A Level 32 We reserve the right to make changes to the curriculum or other aspects of our provision at any time. Any such changes will always be reflected on our website. Please see 25