Collyer's Prospectus

Academic Courses In the second year, you will study topics on current issues and political life of French-speaking society such as how criminals are treated and immigration, as well as a French literacy work. Specific entry requirements Grade 6 in French + Grade 4 in English Language Geography A Level (Edexcel) Geography is a topical subject which is especially attractive for those who want to make sense of the world outside the classroom. Topics such as tectonic hazards, coastal landscapes, globalisation, regeneration, water and energy security, climate change, migration and sovereignty, and superpowers and geopolitics are all covered. It can enhance skills of communication; ICT (including GIS); teamwork and problem solving; as well as develop a greater awareness of the environment and the issues that face our world both now and in the future. Students will be required to write evaluative essays throughout the course as well as apply statistical techniques to data. Fieldwork is also an invaluable component of the course, and students will undertake four days of compulsory local fieldwork throughout year 1. An optional trip to Iceland in year 2 is also offered. 80% of the A-Level is assessed through terminal exams, and 20% is from a piece of coursework based on each student’s own individual investigation; this will involve primary data collection which students must be prepared to undertake during the summer break of the first year. Specific entry requirements Grade 4 in English Language + Grade 5 in Maths + Grade 4 in Geography (if taken) Geology A Level (Eduqas) In the first year, exciting topics include volcanoes, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks, dinosaurs and other fossils, folds and faults, and minerals. There will be two days of local fieldwork. In the second year we carry on with earthquakes, plate tectonics, earth resources, and geological maps and an additional two days of essential fieldwork. Students may have the opportunity to visit volcanoes in Iceland, and our local field trips are an important element. Students should have an interest in the natural world, especially the physical aspects of the planet. Useful combinations are Geography, Biology, Chemistry and Environmental Science. Specific entry requirements Grade 5 5 in Combined Science + Grade 4 in Maths OR Grade 5 in two separate sciences + Grade 4 in Maths German A Level (AQA) The main aims are to help you communicate confidently, clearly and effectively in German through both the written and spoken word; to develop your understanding of the spoken and written forms of German; to help you develop critical insights into and contact with, the contemporary society, cultural background and heritage of German-speaking countries. Current issues relating to Germany, Austria and Switzerland are part of the course material used to emphasise a good understanding of German culture and life. Students take part in an exchange visit to further develop their language skills and understanding of German culture. First year activities are based on the following topic areas: Aspects of German speaking society (The changing state of the family, The digital world; Youth culture) and Artistic culture in the German speaking world (Festivals and Traditions; Art & Architecture; Cultural life in Berlin-past and present) and a film in German, “Das Leben der Anderen”. Second year activities are based on the following areas: Multiculturalism in German-speaking society (Immigration; Integration; Racism) and Aspects of political life in the German speaking world (Germany and the European Union; Politics and youth; Re-unification of Germany and its consequences) and a book, “Der Vorleser”. Specific entry requirements Grade 6 in German + Grade 4 in English Language Graphic Communication A Level (Eduqas) This course is suited to those students with a serious interest in graphic design where they will explore advertising, illustration, packaging, typography and multimedia. They will investigate design problems, determine relevant sources of information, research and propose solutions recognising the constraints of moral, social, cultural, environmental and legal issues. It should be noted that this is an art based approach to graphic design; where students will develop fluent Photoshop skills as an important part of this course. It also features an integral careers programme, which can include live briefs within this subject specific area. The A Level course is 60% coursework project, 40% examination project. Specific entry requirements Grade 4 in Art and Design History A Level (Edexcel) Studying History allows students to gain a deeper understanding of how the past has shaped and continues to shape societies and national and global relationships. From the Collapse of the Soviet Union to the development of British Democracy, students who study with us will be able to better comprehend the causes and consequences of past and current conflicts and political reforms that still resonate today. Our exciting course focuses on modern history but spans continents and centuries, featuring China, Russia, Europe and the UK. 29