Collyer's Prospectus

Academic Courses Philosophy A Level (AQA) Philosophy explores a variety of abstract questions such as: how should we live our lives? Does God exist? Are we all just plugged into the Matrix? Do we have a soul? Are people ever really free? How can moral disagreements be rationally settled? The course features an introduction to all the major areas of Philosophy, developing skills of research, evaluation, interpretation and analysis. Students on the course will debate what many have felt to be weighty questions of existence utilising communication, critical reasoning and general problem solving skills. Specific entry requirements Grade 5 in Maths + Grade 5 in English Language Photography A Level (Eduqas) This is a visual, creative and technical subject in which students develop their ability to express ideas through photography. Both traditional and digital technologies may be employed in students’ work. Technical aspects of photography as well as aesthetic and critical approaches are developed and demonstrated through sketchbooks and final pieces. This is both a practical and theoretical subject where the ability to respond visually is essential. This A Level course is 60% coursework project, 40% examination project. Specific entry requirements Grade 4 in English Language + Grade 4 in a creative subject (A portfolio may cover the creative GCSE requirement, discussion required at interview) Physical Education A Level (AQA) Physical Education at A Level shapes a comprehensive base of knowledge in the world of sports science whilst providing an enriching experience of PE and sport. The course is an excellent step toward sports science related HE courses, careers or apprenticeships. The PE specification focuses on 6 topic areas: applied anatomy and physiology, skill acquisition, sport and society, biomechanical movement, sport psychology, sport and society and the role of technology in physical activity and sport. Students are assessed in one sport only, as either a performer or coach. Students are required to produce video evidence of their sports performance in a fully competitive context. Students must further demonstrate their application of knowledge with written coursework to identify errors and offer strategies aimed at improving their personal sporting performance. Specific entry requirements Grade 4 in English Language + Grade 5 in at least one out of Science, Maths or PE Physics A Level (AQA) Physics is a challenging subject but it is also fun and intellectually rewarding. Students develop skills in problem solving, mathematics, communication and practical experimentation, which makes Physics an excellent foundation for a surprising number of non-scientific courses at university level as well as courses in science and engineering. You will begin by studying the very small, starting with particle physics and finish with the very big, with astrophysics. Other topics covered include waves, mechanics, electricity, circular motion and simple harmonic motion, thermal physics, gravitational fields, electromagnetism and nuclear physics. Due to the very mathematical nature of the course it is strongly recommended that students also take Maths A-level. Specific entry requirements Grade 6 6 in Combined Science + Grade 6 in Maths OR Grade 6 in Physics + Grade 6 in another science + Grade 6 in Maths Politics A Level (Edexcel) A thorough grounding in British and American politics and political ideas is delivered through lectures, videos, debates, discussions and visits. The beginning of the course focuses on the British political system. We look at the health of our democracy, Parliament and political parties. We always try to visit the Houses of Parliament as part of the first year. We then go on to study American politics at a fascinating time. We explore the role of the president, Congress and the Supreme Court as well as analysing the health of American democracy. Our final topic features analysis and debate on political ideas, from traditional core ideologies such as liberalism, socialism and conservatism to the newer development of feminism. We also visit the Westminster politics conference every year and offer an overseas trip either every year or every other year to Washington DC. The course is an ideal companion to History, Economics, Law and English, but can be studied with any subject. Specific entry requirements Grade 4 in English Language 31