News ‘Pop In, For Pop-Up Art!’ 03.06.2024

Visitors to Horsham Museum are enjoying an eye-catching new pop-up art shop, thanks to first year BTEC Extended Diploma Art and Design students from Collyer’s.

Course Leader Sharon Porter explained: “Graphic artworks inspired by aspects of Horsham’s history and locality have been created by the students in the form of prints, cards, and bags. Students used research and their imagination to create their own designs as part of their coursework and experience presenting artwork to the public.”

The young artists were extremely enthusiastic. Laura Sviridovaite said: “It was a great opportunity and feels so rewarding to know people appreciate my work”. Louisa Fowler was thrilled: “It is such a new and powerful experience to see my work on sale!” Fellow student Aimee Deehan added: “It has motivated me to persevere with my art skills and future ambitions” .

Nikki Caxton Curator of the Museum was delighted: “We are thrilled with how well the pop-up shop has been received. Many of our visitors have bought items and have fed-back at how impressed they are with the standard of merchandise the students have produced”.

Sharon Porter said “The team at Horsham Museum have been nothing short of fantastic. They have been so helpful and accommodating to our students and the shop looks amazing! Students will remember this event for the rest of their lives, it’s truly inspirational!”

Collyer’s Vice Principal (Curriculum) Rob Hussey added: “This is a wonderful project. Colossal thanks to the artists, Sharon Porter and the team at Collyer’s, and Nikki Caxton and all at the Horsham Museum.

“The pop-up shop will be selling the student work until Saturday 8th June, so we are encouraging people to pop in, for pop-up art!”