News ‘Strictly Flamenco’at Collyer’s 15.07.2024

Collyer’s students recently learnt to dance Flamenco under the tuition of Brighton based leading professional dancer and teacher, Ana Dueñas.

Milagros Herguedas, who is Subject Leader for Spanish at Collyer’s, was delighted: “Music and dance heritage is part of the Spanish A level course at Collyer’s. Amongst the many styles, Flamenco is the most associated to Spanish culture.

“The group certainly picked up how to stand proud and release energy by stamping their feet to create complex rhythms. I was incredibly impressed by our students’ focus and willingness to try a new experience, so much so that they were able to take on a challenging “flamenco duende” choreography, which ended with a big “ole!”

The students thoroughly enjoyed the class. Stella Scarlett said: “It was a unique experience”, Luke Jackson said: “We learnt something new that you can’t study in the usual classroom context” and Roisin Buckley added: “It got me out of my comfort zone, but I thoroughly enjoyed it!”

Vice Principal (Pastoral) Andrea John was delighted: “Events like these are what make the educational journey at Collyer’s so special. We are incredibly grateful to Milagros for organising the session and huge thanks also to Ana Dueñas for coming in and sharing her dancing expertise.”

Milagros added: “Ana is always so generous with her time and energy. She is an enormously gifted dancer, whose sessions have given the students a wonderful insight into Spanish culture.”