
Collyer’s is committed to being both accessible and as open as possible in its decisions and actions for the benefit of all its stakeholders.  We hope therefore that you are able to find the information you are looking for in these pages. However, please feel free to contact our Director Of Governance, Mrs Russha Sellings, at the College who will be happy to help with any additional information or queries you may have  Director of

Becoming a Governor

Expressions of interest in becoming a Governor  are always welcome.

What do Governors do?

The Governing Body has overall responsibility for the educational character and strategic direction of the College. It works with the senior leadership team to ensure that students are offered a stimulating curriculum and life-enhancing pastoral support so that they may all enjoy their time at the College and achieve their full potential.

This is underpinned by ambitious and effective business practices and a healthy financial position so that the College can provide the excellent teaching and learning environment for which it is renowned.  The leadership and governance of the College is inclusive of its stakeholders including staff, parents, employers and the local community, whilst seeking too a wider international reputation for excellence.

The Governing Body works closely with the Trustees of the Collyer Endowment which owns the land and buildings of the College.

Further details are set out in its Instruments and Articles supplemented by its Rules and Byelaws.  The College is funded predominantly by the Education and Skills Funding Agency whose funding agreement and Audit Code of Practice guide its practice as do legal obligations in key areas such as equality and diversity, safeguarding and health and safety.

Who makes up the Governing Body?

The Governing Body has nineteen members including local community, staff, student and parent governors as well as four appointed by and reflecting the College’s long-standing and close links with the Mercers’ Company.  The role of a Governor is non-executive. The Principal is a member ex officio and the only executive member.

In addition, the College invites, from time to time, individuals with specific skills or experience to serve relevant committees as a co-opted member (rather than as a Governor). Click here to see our current members of the Governing Body

How does the Governing Body operate?

The Governing Body generally meets four times a year.  It also has a number of committees which generally meet at least once each term:

  • Audit & Risk Committee
  • Finance and General Purposes Committee
  • Estates Committee
  • Quality and Curriculum Committee
  • Governance,Search & Remuneration Committee

In addition there are planning and link governor days which facilitate liaison with the staff and students in deciding the strategic direction of the College.



The Governing Body


Becoming a Governor