Becoming a Governor

Are you interested in becoming a governor at Collyer’s?

  • Do you have an interest in post-16 education in a sixth form college setting?
  • Do you want to help the young people of today develop into active and successful members of the community?

If so, we would be delighted to hear from you.

Collyer’s is one of the leading sixth form colleges in the country. Working as part of a team, governors are responsible for defining future strategy and monitoring its implementation in order to maintain and improve upon this success.

Governors are volunteers and normally attend about 10 meetings a year at the college (4 Governing Body meetings, 3 Committee meetings and 3 other functions). These meetings are currently generally held during the day but are reviewed regularly to suit the majority of governors with breakfast and twilight meetings becoming increasingly common. Whilst the role is unpaid, reasonable expenses may be claimed.

We are committed to having diversity in our Governing Body, to ensure that there is a broad range of skills and experience to inform debate and strategic decisions. Our aim is that it is representative of our students in terms of diversity and embraces a culture of inclusion where all are valued as individuals.

In terms of skills, we are always delighted to hear from anyone with experience in particular of education, finance and HR. Induction and training will be provided. Above all, it is your interest and commitment that is needed to ensure that the College continues to achieve its mission and drive forward the vision for the benefit of our students, staff, and the wider community.

Those wishing to know more are invited to contact Mrs Russha Sellings, Director of Governance either by e-mail Director of or telephone on (01403) 216519



Our Governing Body