Certificates are produced by exam boards and despatched to centres in late October/November following the summer exams. Certificates are legal documents and have to be signed for by the student themselves, or a nominated adult with written permission.
Certificates will be posted to student’s last known home address in December following the summer exams. It is important that you let us know if you have changed address. Any certificates held by the college will be kept secure for one year before shredding.
Certificates should be kept safe as they are evidence of qualifications at a later date. The college does not keep copies of certificates and cannot obtain them at a future date.
If you misplace or lose your certificates, you will need to apply direct to the relevant exam board or awarding body for replacements, for which they will charge a fee per certificate. This is easily done online and website links and telephone numbers can be found below.
AQA 0161 953 1180 www.aqa.org.uk
OCR 01223 553311 www.ocr.org.uk
PEARSON/EDEXCEL 0344 463 2535 www.qualifications.pearson.com
WJEC/EDUQAS 029 2026 5000 www.wjec.co.uk
CACHE 0345 347 2123 www.cache.org.uk
NCFE 0191 239 8000 www.ncfe.org.uk
ABC AWARDS 0115 854 1616 www.abcawards.co.uk