Study Support

The Study Support department offers a wide range of support which is designed to enable all students in the college to achieve their potential and access the help they need when they need it.

The Study Support team includes:

  • Subject specialist Study Support Assistants who work with students in class, during 1-2-1 sessions and in small groups.
  • An Exam Access Arrangements (EAA) Co-ordinator (who assesses students for access arrangements and ensures that the support they qualify for is put in place).
  • A specialist teacher for those students for whom English is an additional language.

Support we offer:

For those students who require a specified level of intervention and support individual support plans are devised which may include:

  • In-class support.
  • Weekly 1-2-1 support.
  • Small group GCSE Maths support.
  • A quiet workroom with WP access
  • A Comfort Zone where students can work or relax in a quieter setting.


For ALL students:

  • A Study Support Hub where students can access help with issues such as organisation, time management and revision techniques.
  • The Social Hub (which runs every Friday during the Enrichment period and provides a smaller, quieter space for students to meet others  and socialise).

Exam Arrangements:

During enrolment all students undertake a screening assessment. This is to aid the Specialist Assessor in any possible applications that may need to be made to secure exam access arrangements for exams. Students are actively encouraged to provide any evidence they have to support their exam arrangements.

For any queries relating to exam access arrangements please contact

Related page:  Exam Access Arrangements FAQs

If you would like any further information on the support we can offer please contact:

For general enquiries relating to support needs: Helen Mayer-Dean Director of Student Support

‘I rely on study support a lot. The study support staff are very helpful and efficient. They have helped me a lot’. (2018) Student feedback

‘I found it really helpful that I was able to go through my timetable and plan when I should be doing revision. Also, to have someone explain how much time I should be studying for’. (2018) Student feedback

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Careers and UCAS Support