News Collyer’s Welcomes German Exchange Students 18.07.2024

Collyer’s welcomed German students from Lindau, near lake Constance, as part of the German department’s annual exchange programme.

Katja Welton, Head of German, said: “After visiting Lindau earlier in the academic year, it was a pleasure to host the German students back in Horsham.

“Everyone enjoyed a trip to London, which included sightseeing along the Embankment, and had a great time at the Tower of London, which the students chose as their main attraction. The group spent two enjoyable hours there.”

The German students also enjoyed a day at Collyer’s gaining an insight into sixth form college life in England, and then joined their teacher on a guided tour of Horsham, led by Roy Bayliss from the Horsham Twinning Association. Later in the week the students visited Arundel Castle and took part in Collyer’s Festivals of Art and Science, respectively.

On the last night students and teachers enjoyed a farewell barbeque at the White Horse in Maplehurst.

Katja Welton added: “It was an enjoyable and successful week for both groups.”

Collyer’s Deputy Principal Steve Martell said: “Huge thanks to Katja Welton, Roy Baylis and everyone involved for creating these wonderful learning opportunities. The students and teachers from Collyer’s and Lindau were a credit to their colleges.”