Transport Routes


Collyer’s Bus Information (all routes)

Please find information regarding routes, maps and links to the bus companies here:

Bus Travel Info 2024 2025

Buses to Horsham stop at the Bus Station in the town centre and also at the Railway Station. The following routes also stop at Horsham Hospital opposite Collyer’s College:

  • 17 Brighton (Stagecoach)
  • 68 Broadbridge Heath (Sussex Coaches)
  • 100 Burgess Hill/Steyning/Billingshurst (Compass Travel)
  • 200 Gatwick (Metrobus)
  • Collyer’s Worthing Bus (Compass) – a subsidised service administered by the College.



National Rail

Collyer’s is a 5 mins walk from Horsham train station along Hurst Road

Travel Assistance

For students requiring financial assistance for travel costs please follow the link to our Student Finance page

How To Find Us

The College of
Richard Collyer

82 Hurst Rd, Horsham RH12 2EJ

Map of Horsham and surrounding areas

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