News National Photography Competition Success 22.05.2024

A-level photography students from Collyer’s recently entered their work for a national fine art and photography competition run by Solent University, Southampton. The competition, which looks to inspire young artists, did not have a specific theme but encouraged students to express their own creative voices through their work. Hundreds of entries were received from colleges across the country. Dan Crow, Director of  ‘a space’ arts and Mia Delve, Creative Programme Manager at Solent University, had the difficult job of selecting the overall winners from an incredible shortlist.

Collyer’s Assistant Director of the Arts Faculty and Head of Photography Laura Andrews said: “Winners were announced at the private view and prizegiving awards ceremony held last week. Five students studying photography at Collyer’s were shortlisted, including year one students Jamie Frost, David King and Nathalie Moran, and year two students Louis Marshall and Keeley Webster-Richardson. Keeley was awarded third place winning £100 in photography and art materials.”

Nina Sverdvik Course Leader for Photography at Solent University said: “All of the judges were so impressed with Keeley’s collage/photographic print both in terms of the concept and the creative and experimental approach.”

Keeley, who is completing her Photography A level this summer, is planning to study Marine and Natural History Photography at Falmouth University in September. She said: “My photograph ‘Disrupted Environment’ is a digital print and physical collage which represents how the natural world is fragile and slowly being damaged by human activity.

“I hope my work speaks to people and makes them think about looking after our environment. I have loved the course here at Collyer’s and I look forward to developing my work further at university.”

David King whose work ‘Unrestrained Urban’ was shortlisted explained: “My layered photograph represents how London is full of chaos but its somehow controlled in its own way.

“It was a privilege to be shortlisted and invited to see the work on display in Southampton. This is my first exhibition, and it was fantastic to see my image alongside the inspiring work of the other artists and photographers.”

Jamie Frost, who previously studied GCSE photography at The Forest School said “It was such a great opportunity to enter this competition and to have my work noticed by the judges. Over the past year whilst at Collyer’s I have developed my street photography and the work I entered captured the both the stillness and motion of a city environment.”

Nathalie Moran added: “This year at Collyer’s is the first time I have studied photography; I have learnt so much and it is great to be recognised.”

Laura Andrews was delighted: “We are so proud of our students, and it is fantastic to see their wonderful photographs recognised on the national stage. To be shortlisted is amazing, and many congratulations to Keeley for achieving third place.”