OCA NEWS Reunion Dinner 23.03.2024

On the 23rd March we held our Reunion Dinner at Collyers.  There was an opportunity for a guided tour of the Shelley building.  I heard from a number of attendees that this was a very interesting and informative tour.  I have previously toured the building and was also very impressed.

We had 2 representatives from the Richard Collyer Union attend and their speeches echoed my fond memories of my time at the college.

For me, the highlight of the Reunion Dinner is the opportunity to meet fellow OC’s (Old Collyerians).  The attendees from when the College was a boys school all have great stories about the tricks they played on the teachers which I love hearing.  And by hosting the event at the college we can see the old buildings, comparing that they were used for during our different times at the college and what they are being used for now.

One common thread across all the generations of OC’s is a recognition of how the college helped and developed them. For some, it was an environment where they could explore their creative side through art, music and drama.  For others it was where they developed a love of a new subject or learnt a new skill which has informed the career paths that they have followed.

Lifelong friendships are very evident at these dinners, but so are the newer friendships that cross different generations.

Thanks to everyone that attended and I look forward to our Reunion Event next year.