News On-Line Presentation Outlines World Of Work 23.02.2025
Collyer’s recently hosted an on-line next steps careers evening to around 200 households, who watched the event live. The presentation has also been recorded and is now available to students on demand.
The evening was hosted by Collyer’s Director of Personal Development, Rebecca Adams, and Vice Principal (Pastoral) Andrea John. The evening also featured guest speaker Carl Jackson (Sussex Council of Training Providers) who delivered an ‘Apprenticeship Awareness’ presentation. In addition, there was a lively and informative guest panel Q&A comprising old Collyerian’s Guy Watts (owner of Architectural Plants), Kerry George (Thales) and Jess Goncalves (a Thales apprentice), alongside Paul Maynard (Schroders), and NHS representatives Jo Nash and Dan Alder.
Rebecca Adams was delighted; “The new online format was designed to cope with the increasing numbers of students and parents wanting to engage with progression support. It was a highly successful evening, well received by students, leading to a very high turnout at the Careers Fair the following week.”
“A follow-up next steps presentation, focussing on Higher Education progression, will be hosted by Collyer’s Director of Progression Ian McAlister, in April.”