News Stone Farm Rocks! 12.06.2024

First year A-level Geology students from Collyer’s recently spent two days in the beautiful Sussex countryside, receiving specialist training in geological fieldwork techniques.

Dr Ian Carr, Collyer’s Head of Geology and Assistant Director of the Science Faculty, explained: “These trips represented two of the four mandatory fieldwork days required for the Geology A-level course. On the first day students received training in drawing field sketches, measuring dips and strikes, reading six-figure grid references, and drawing a graphic log. On day two the group planned and safely carried out an investigation into the geological history of the area”.

The sessions were led by former Geological Society of London President, David Shilston, and local geologist Helena Griffiths. Dr Ian Carr was joined by Biology and Environmental Science teacher Murray Tarvis and Geology Curriculum Support Officer Kirstie Mitchell.

Dr Carr added: “Stone Farm Rocks is a perfect location for training in geological fieldwork techniques without the hazards of working at a coastal location.”

Collyer’s Vice Principal (Curriculum), Rob Hussey, said: “Massive thanks to David, Helena, Kirstie, Murray, and Ian for creating such a valuable educational opportunity for our young geologists. The work really solidified much of the learning that has taken place in the labs this year. Stone Farm Rocks, rocks!”

Collyer’s Vice Principal (Pastoral), Andrea John was delighted: “Geology at Collyer’s goes from strength to strength. For WEX (Work Experience) week several are currently undertaking geology related industry placements with organisations including AtkinsRealis, Arundel Museum and Gerald Eve LLP.”