News Students Enjoy A Day In The Spotlight 11.08.2024

A group of students from Collyer’s recently enjoyed an intensive day of TV Studio training at Ravensbourne University in London.

The group were challenged to make a live TV show in a day, enthusiastically assisted by student ambassadors and expert practitioners from the University.

The day began with training across all the major television production roles, then moved on to the allocation of individual production responsibilities, such as direction, vision mixing, lighting, sound, and camera. After lunch, the production moved into rehearsal and preparation with three shows eventually recorded as live before the end of the day.

Collyer’s student, Luca Corless, who presented two of the shows, commented: “It was a brilliant day with accommodating staff who gave us vital skills in roles we didn’t know we could go into”.

Head of Media Studies, Jonathan Nunns, added: “Huge thanks to Ravensbourne for another amazing day. Not only does this annual event afford practical insight into careers in television, but it also provides a springboard for students set on tv careers to show off their creativity and ambition”.

Vice Principal (Curriculum) Rob Hussey was thrilled: “The day offered a wonderful insight into the reality of careers in television and studying at a leading university. What a smashing way to end the academic year!”

Deputy Principal Steve Martell said: “Enormous thanks to Jonathan Nunns, our amazing media department, and Ravensbourne University for producing this wonderful opportunity focussing on television, which will enable our students to intelligently plan their future media career pathways.”